Cat Morley

Blog Posts



Outdoor Movies
We helped my Mum connect with some of her Canadian friends on Facebook a while ago and this morning we met up with her old high school friend Sylvia, who she hadn't seen in almost 30 years.


Whyte Avenue
We headed down to Whyte Avenue today. We went for margaritas at Julio's Barrio. When we were here four years ago, Tom spotted someone walk past with a gigantic plate of nachos and had been cravin...


Da Capo
This morning, Tom, Mum, Grandma and I went for a coffee on the South Side of Edmonton. We went to Da Capo which was really nice with delicious coffee and biscotti.


Today was our first day in Edmonton, so we just took it easy at my Grandma and Grandpa's house. My Grandma had been collecting neck-ties for me to make a dress with and she'd collected a huge suit...


Kirkcaldy In Canada
We woke up in Lethbridge, Alberta this morning and drove North on our way to Edmonton. When we spotted Kirkcaldy on the map, we knew we had to stop there and check out our Canadian home away from ...


We started today in Idaho Falls where Tom put some new hubcaps on the Dodge. I was coming down with a cold, so we stopped off at the Bella Vita cafe so that I could pick up a smoothie.


Yellowstone Park
We woke up in Wyoming this morning and drove west. We headed up in to the mountains where Buffalo Bill once roamed. Our brakes started smoking at one point while having to brake so much on the way...


South Dakota
Today we woke up in South Dakota and drove west through the prairies. We passed the skeleton walking a t-rex which was really cool. We stopped to have a look in the Badlands Trading Post where I ...



Leaving The Good Life
Today was our last day in Omaha, so we hired a Uhaul truck so that we could donate all of our furniture to charity. We rewarded ourselves with dinner at McFosters. The food is so good but the ser...


The Bullet Hole
This morning we took my parents to Henry Doorly Zoo. We started off in the Desert Dome which is just amazing. We went down in to the Creatures Of The Night to find the albino alligator in the swa...


Mum & Dad In Omaha
We started today off with breakfast at Lisa's Radial Cafe. My Mum and Dad loved how cosy it was and ordered lots of food. Afterwards my Dad was so full that he thought he could never eat again.


We went to Stella's Burgers for lunch today, which is suppose to be one of the best restaurants in Omaha. They do a challenge where you have to eat a stellanator which is burger after burger pille...


Les Femmes Folles
I was interviewed for the blog Les Femmes Folles, a blog which showcases awesome women in Omaha. Check them out at


Brain Wash
Tom and I went for one last Sunday Happy Hour at Blue Sushi this morning. This will be the thing we miss most about Omaha I think. Afterwards we went for pumpkin flavoured frozen yogurt at Red Ma...


Ruby Red Shoes
I made a pair of ruby red shoes before we our trip so that I could wear them in Kansas. I'm hoping they'll be the first project in a book we're wanting to make. This morning we headed out earliest...


This morning I was sent an Instax polaroid camera to play with. It works so well and the colours are so much brighter and better than my other polaroid. I also love the way it develops from white.


This morning we woke up in Kansas City which is actually in Missouri. We had breakfast at the Blue Bird Bistro which was really nice. I tried their 14th Street Benedict which had spinach and cape...


We woke up in Oklahoma City this morning. We went for a walk around the Bricktown which was really pretty with canals running through it. We went for cupcakes at Pinkitzel. They even sold cupcak...


This morning we woke up in Memphis. Our first sight was to drive by Elvis's home Graceland. It was huge and you could see his planes parked next to the road. Afterwards we drove to downtown Memp...


Walking In Memphis
This morning we woke up in Louisville, Kentucky. We headed downtown where we got to meet Colonel Sanders. We then went for breakfast at Lynn's Paradise Cafe. It was the brightest, most colourful...


We woke up to find that the Dodge had a flat tire again this morning, so we took it in for repair. It turned out that all of the tires were really worn down so we had to leave it to get them all re...


Motown Junk
We loved Chicago but it was time to head east to Indianna this morning. Our one stop was to Gary, Indiana to see the house where Michael Jackson was born.


The Windy City
This morning we went for breakfast at the Chicago Diner, an awesome vegan diner which came highly recommended from Elisha on Cut Out + Keep.


We started this morning off with breakfast at Milk & Honey, a cute cafe in Wicker Park. I tried a bowl of their famous granola which was delicious. The Renegade Handmade store was next door.


Dead Moines
This morning we set off on our biggest road trip yet, where we'll see the remaining mid-western states. Our first mini-stop was Stuart in Iowa to see a bank which had been robbed by Bonnie & C...