December List • Cat Morley

While I was all all sniffled up with an awful cold last week, I attempt to make myself feel better with your suggestions and by writing a list of all the fun things I wanted to do in December when I felt better. Here's my list which I'm already ticking my way through:

1. Mull some wine

Mulled wine and mulled apple juice are my favourite drinks to warm up with on a cold winter's night, so I plan to have a constant supply bubbling away.

2. Write a Christmas song

I'm getting tired of the same Christmas songs which are played every year, so this year I want to write my own!

3. Wear holly in my hair

I love hair accessories and nothing makes a better Christmas hairpiece than holly. I'm going to mixing between real holly and my felt holly hair clip.

4. Go window shopping

I hate going in to shops in December but I love to see all of their pretty lights, so I skip the crowds and the Christmas music by going window shopping at nights.

5. Sew a party dress

There are so many parties in December, so it's the perfect time to sew and show off a new dress. I'm envisioning lots of bows and sparkles. I might even attempt the neck-tie dress which has been on my To-Craft List for ages.

6. Hang paper chains

Paper chains may be the easiest decoration to make but they look so lovely and cheerful. I'm going to grab some pastel paper, scissors and a stapler to make miles of them to hang all over the house.

7. Drink eggnog

I love eggnog and Dave sent me his recipe last year, so I'm going to attempt to make my own.

8. Send cards

I still love snail mail and will keep up my tradition of sending cards to long lost friends this year.

9. Make presents

Each year, I try to make more and more presents, rather than buying things in the shop and this year, my list of things to craft is longer than ever. My sewing machine is going to be kept very busy.

10. Write my resolutions

I haven't had a chance to think about my resolutions yet, but setting ones for 2012 worked well. When the busyness of Christmas is over, I'm going to plan out my goals for 2013.

What's on your to-do list for December?
