Amy Donaldson • Cat Morley

Amy Donaldson Location: Jersey City, NJ Occupation: artist How I found Cat: Pinterest

Color: every single one! Movie:Julie & Julia Band: Etta James Food: Mom's spaghetti with meat sauce Book: "My Grandfather's Finger" by Edward Swift Hero: my Dad Possession: personalized Giles & Brother cuff bracelet from my sweetheart App: History Here Website: Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Dream job when I was young: archeologist

Dream job today: artist with an alpaca farm

When you visit Jersey City you should see The Historic Jersey City and Harsimus Cemetery and go on a tour with the caretaker, Eileen Markenstein.

I get inspiration from things I find at Michigan yard sales and the Brimfield Antique Market in MA (which are also two of my top resources), the woods, vintage architecture at the "magic hour" and, believe it or not - cemeteries.

Best advice: Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Three wishes: 1) an express train from Jersey City NJ to Traverse City, MI 2) a garden 3) peace on earth - no really!
