Dream Kitchen • Cat Morley

I've been day dreaming about all the lovely things I'd for our new kitchen and, although some seem a little impractical - if not impossible, I've put together my wish list of the five most-do-able things to do in the near future...

Fairy Lights

Ever since watching Nigella Lawson cooking on the TV, I've dream of having a kitchen like hers. I want to sneak up to the fridge in the middle of the night in a kitchen lit only by fairy lights too.

Chalkboard Wall

I love the colour of chalkboard paint and a wall in the kitchen would be so handy for noting down shopping lists, memos and displaying the week's menu in a fancy font. Plus, you can practise sketching your own Dana Tanamachi style artwork and then scrub it away, without anyone ever having to see it.

Adorable Appliances

I've been lusting over a KitchenAid mixer, SMEG fridge and girly coloured coffee maker for such a long time and, if money weren't an option, I'd totally treat myself. Instead, I'll settle for pretty pictures and adorable cheap appliances.

Extreme Organization

Things are so much easier when everything has a place and I've been seeing some amazing storage solutions, including cupcake cases in spaghetti jars and cubbies labelled with scrabble tiles. I'm going to start by designating drawers to my baking supplies and filling vases with cookie cutters.

Miniature Herb Garden

Although we only have a tiny balcony, we've never had our own outdoor space before, so we're going to make the most of it with a herb garden. As a bonus, these will provide a little more privacy to our windows.

What would you have in your dream kitchen?
