Blog To Japan • Cat Morley

Tom and I have always dreamed of visiting Japan one day and when my friend Louise sent us a link to InsideJapan Tours and Virgin Atlantic's contest to "blog to Japan", we knew we had to try our luck and give it a shot!

We've combined the 12 Reasons We Want To Go To Japan together in to the perfect day and here's how it would go:

1. Visit a cat cafe

We'd start our perfect day by waking up with a coffee at a cat cafe. I have a list full of theme cafes I'd like to visit in Tokyo but a cat cafe, or should I say neko cafe, is at the top of my list, combining our two favourite things - cats and coffee!

2. Snap some fashion

I love Japanese fashion, so we'd take a walk through the streets of Harajuku so I could take photos of everyone's amazing outfits for my blog.

3. Ride the Shinkansen

Tom loves trains so we'd take a Shinkansen to Kyoto. This rail line is the most travelled in the world and the train broke the world speed record, so we're sure to get there with time to spare!

4. Meet a Geisha

We'd then explore the streets of Kyoto hoping to meet a Geisha. I've longed to meet one in real life ever since I read Memoirs Of A Geisha and admire how beautiful they are.

5. Play in the cherry blossom

Every spring, Tom and I have a blossom fight under the trees in Scotland. The colours are beautiful but probably nothing compared to the blossom in Japan.

6. Eat sushi

We'd be worn out after the blossom fight, so we'd treat ourselves to sushi. We bet it would taste better than any sushi we've ever eaten before, coming fresh from Japan.

7. Learn origami

As a craft lover, I couldn't leave Japan without learning how to make origami and bringing home paper crane souvenirs for all of my friends.

8. Watch sumo wrestling

In the evening, we'd watch a sumo wrestling match and cheer along as we try to work out the rules, feeling a little less guilty about our full bellies of sushi.

9. Dress up

Every fun night out needs the perfect outfit and what better than a snuggly warm cosplay animal suit. We'd bring ours home in our suitcases and wear them as pyjamas to get through the cold winter nights.

10. Sing karaoke

We're a little too shy to sing karaoke in the UK but after a few sakes, we'd be singing our hearts out with the locals and where better to learn the ropes than the country that invented it?!

11. Get Purikura stickers

We'd then get some Purikura stickers to remember our perfect day by. It would be so much fun drawing animal ears and whiskers on ourselves, not to mention, trying to use the Japanese machines would be an adventure in itself, and if it turns out wrong, it won't matter because it will look cool anyway.

12. Sleep in a capsule hotel

We'd end our perfect day with a good night sleep in a capsule hotel. Tom would love how high-tech his bed is. Some people say they would be claustrophobic but we think they'd be cosy!

Check out the contest for yourself at Inside Japan Tours and please wish us luck. We've got our fingers crossed!
