Cat Morley

Blog Posts



I finished Memoirs Of A Geisha. It was a lovely book and I suggest that you all read it before the film comes out at Christmas. I’m going to go to Waterstones now and find something new to read. By...



The Cuban Brothers
Tom came over for a mini part at our house this morning. My parents gave him a coffee maker and we gave him a Miffy cake which we made last night.


I’ve seen some amazing shows at the festival and if you get the chance you should go see the play of A Clockwork Orange.


Edinburgh Festival
I headed back home to Fife today, as my Uncle Bruce is visiting from Canada. We then headed through to Edinburgh to see some shows at the festival. We got free tickets to see Josie Long and Dan Ni...


The Frigate Unicorn
We went down to City Quay today and had a tour of the Frigate Unicorn. I love the way old ships smell. I also really love the unicorn masthead. If I had a ship, it'd have a unicorn on too.


I've been trying to focus my attention on other areas of the body rather than just focusing on the face. Finished a new painting.. it’s called The Wanderer. I’m proud of myself for focusing on oth...


We went over to Nathans for a house warming party. We arrived pretty late so hopefully there wasn’t too much time for me to embarrass myself.. I’m really sorry if I have. My phone was full of text ...



Meet the magician...
Today Tom and I headed through to Glasgow. We went shopping during the day (I love Borders) and then rode the subway, which looks like a toy train and is nicknamed the Clockwork Orange out to prett...


Ferry To Brugge
I left just after my final presentation for my course which went amazingly well.. for a change. They actually complemented me lots.



Manics in Newcastle
Today we all drove down to Newcastle to see the Manic Street Preachers play in the strangest venue. It was all seated except for one row at the front. The crowd were quiet, and so were the band. It...


It was fantastic. Everyone was beautiful. There were pretty cigarette girls selling sweets and all things bad for us. Gorgeous burlesque stippers. The music was fabulous, swing is now my favourite ...


Woke up the next morning and it was still in my throat so we decided to go to the hospital.. after neighbors of course. Iain was sweet enough to give me and Tom a lift up to Ninewells and he waited...


On Sunday night I got something logged inside my throat and whenever I took a drink or tried to eat something I threw it back up. Elise and Ads came round to watch Requiem For A Dream and the whole...



It’s still morning, I’ve not been to sleep, I’m still working and I’m drinking absinthe. All the research made me want to drink it. x


Under The Influence
I finished a concept painting of my absinthe fairy, Viridis Somnio for Character Animation class tonight.


eBay Addiction
As part of our coursework, we were asked to make a 60 second short film. I'd been really looking forward to this but when I picked up the camera that I'd booked out from the Uni, I realised how ter...


Been working really hard. Most of it has been setting deadlines for myself though My fairy is starting to come together in flash, Inga saw my sketches for her and really liked them although I have...



Absinthe Fairies
We woke up to a huge fright this morning when one of our lava lamps filled with glitter exploded. We'd forgotten to turn it off the night before and the bulb must have overheated. There was hot liq...


The Reptile Room
Headed out shopping on town today and got Lemony Snicket's 2nd book in A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Reptile Room.


Wayne The Pain
Elise and Ads invited upstairs tonight and then Ads stoop up announcing the he had the news of the year, which we all doubted, but he did... our annoying neighbours, Nicky and Wayne ("the Pain") ha...


I've been crafting lots and my current obsession is designing tiaras. I’m going to get some wire and start making them soon, which should come in handy around Manic Street Preachers's touring time.


Felt terrible on Saturday so spent most of the day sleeping and eventually dragged myself out of bed and in to town. Lazed around for the rest of the day and all of today.


Tonight we had a mini Brit-awards party at our flat, which was loads of fun. We then spent the night dancing at the Reading Rooms.