Cat Morley

Blog Posts



Facebook Hackathon
Today we took part in the Facebook Hackathon which was held at the fancy Dare offices near Oxford Circus. I had an idea for a cool sharing system for Cut Out + Keep a few weeks ago, so when we hea...


Animals In Holland Park
Holland Park never fails to cheer me up on a dull day in London. We didn’t have too much to do today, so we avoided the busy shops and headed for peace and quiet (with sushi and whoopie pies) in t...


I made Tom a Git Hub Octocat to be his little coding mascot. We might get to meet Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook on Monday, so hopefully he'll come in handy.


The Guardian
Cut Out + Keep has a mention in an article about dressmaking in The Guardian.


I met Tom after work today and we went for frogurt from Snog. It's guilt free apart from the mini oreos on top. We walked past a street of builders having a party which looked like fun.


Union Jack Pin Cushion
I finished cross-stitching my Union Jack Pin Cushion today. It also sewed an elastic wristband through it and it's really handy when sewing.


Lonely Hearts
A bunch of goodies from Saddle Creek Records arrived in the mail for Tom this morning. Tom’s Aunty and Uncle were down in London this evening, so we went for dinner and the pub quiz at the Warring...


Dinosaur Bone Necklace
I finished making a Dinosaur Bone Necklace for a certain somebody's birthday present today. It's made from shrink plastic and took hours and hours of fiddly cutting with an x-acto knife to make bu...


Secret Engagement
Dave proposed to Mel today in a coffee shop in Buckinghamshire. He had invited us a few days before and we did our best to keep it a secret. Dave sang The Proclaimer’s song “Let’s Get Married” bef...


Fairy Tales That Drugged Us
We all decided to meet for a picnic in Hyde Park after work today. Louise, Lynz and her new flatmate, Nicola came too. Dave & Mel’s friends were far more professional at picnicing that us. We ...


You Win Nothing
We went to see Sex & The City 2 tonight, which I was really looking forward to but I really didn't enjoy it. I loved the You Win Absolutely Nothing packaging on the BrewDog beers.



Scottish Sunburn
We spent today with Tom's Mum, sitting in their lovely garden. I somehow managed to get sunburn (in Scotland, how?) and now have an uneven tan down one arm. She cooked us a delicious lunch of pita...


After waking up at Miquette Breitenbach's house this morning, we headed to the Roseleaf bar cafe to meet up with our parents for breakfast.


This morning, Tom's brother Jack Waddington gave us a lift through to Edinburgh. He drives a yellow car, so it was funny watching out the window to see if anyone hit each other.


We’re back in Scotland! We went to La Gondola tonight to celebrate Jim Waddington's birthday. I love Italian food.


Sitting Trackside
Today we went to see the London Rollergirls bout Smack To The Future up in Tottenham Hale. We felt typically British watching “the game” with our beers.


The Glitz & Glam Issue
We launched issue 19 of Snippets today. This one is the Glitz & Glam issue with Tarina Tarantino on the cover. We have interviews with RockLove (+ a giveaway), Cake Wrecks (which is sooooo funn...


Today we went to see the buttefly exhibit at the National History Museum. There were so many pretty little butterflies and flowers everywhere. They kept landing on everyone and some people had to ...


Parliamentary Waffle House
Bompas and Parr are running a Parliamentary Waffle House in Soho this week, so we all headed along after work. You could choose between a Labour, Liberal Democrat or Conservative Waffle. This is t...


Cherry Blossom
We're so happy now that it’s starting to feel like summer again. We went for lunch at Plan 9 today and sat out in the lovely sunshine. Afterwards, we decided to work out lunch off with a walk arou...



I’m so happy now that it’s summer! Last week we went to see You Have Been Watching again at the BBC. This time it was all about kid’s TV shows and Charlie Brooker had a really cute puppet. I wish I...


Noodles on the Mews
Louise Blackwood came over after work today and we ordered noodle boxes from Ned's Noodles which we ate outside on the Mews. They're so tasty!


Facebook Announcement
Facebook Pages were having an announcement this evening, so we headed along to the Truman Brewery to watch it with a room full of tech journalists.


BBQ In Notting Hill
Louise Blackwood was down in London again today for another job interview. When she was finished, she came over to the Mews armed with wine and Cadbury Creme Eggs.


Crosswords On Primrose Hill
We spent today relaxing on Primrose Hill and completing crosswords. In other news, my how-to’s for Flower Power Bath Bombs and Rosy Lip Tint are in the Wedding Issue of Alt fashion Magazine.