Cat Morley

Blog Posts



Craigie's Farm
My parents came through to visit today and we started off at Craigie's Farm. It was quite a nice day for a change and there was a gorgeous view over the Forth. There were some adorable piglets pl...


Kitty Kitty
A couple of things arrived from ASOS this morning including a heart shaped bag and a pair of crystal cat ears. I love this headband so much! Tom cooked giant Quorn burgers for dinner and sweet po...


My parents stayed over last night so we took Tom to watch the F1 at the pub and then had breakfast at Piece Box. I had the Hell's eggs again which are so good. Afterwards it was time to watch the ...


Falkirk Wheel
My parents came through to visit today and we went to see the Falkirk Wheel. It was really rainy but it was the anniversary of the wheel, so there was free entry and lots of events taking place.


Fashion Stamps
I picked up some fashion stamps at the post office today including some amazing Vivienne Westwood ones. I'm going to have the most stylish snail mail ever! There was a big storm and then a double ...


A Day In The Life
9am - Breakfast Smoothie. Two apples juiced and blended with frozen berries, yogurt and honey. 9.15am - Yoga time. 10am - Inbox Zero 11am - Work through never-ending to-do list.


50mm Lens
I've wanted a 50mm lens for ages and finally decided to get one. It's perfect for taking portraits and photos of craft projects, which should come in handy for the book. We took the camera out fo...



Canal Festival
Mum and Dad came to visit today. We had Yarg cheese and crackers at the mews while I browsed through Mum's scratch and sniff copy of Gardener's World. It was the Canal Festival today, so we heade...


Holding Stars
I've been having lots more fun playing with bokeh photography again. I thought it was going to be really difficult but it's actually really easy when you've got a set of fairy lights to play with.



A book about Pin Hole Cameras arrived in the mail this morning and I can't wait to give it a go. On the way home I spotted a window full of waving cats. I'm not sure what it was for but they we...


Last Day Of My Juice Detox
Rob was in Edinburgh today, before heading back to Iceland, so we caught up with him for lunch. I was still detoxing, so I sipped on juice while everyone else had amazing Japanese food. I rewarded...


Practise Moustache
My Mum, Dad and Nana came through to visit today so we went for a drink at The Fountain. They ordered an amazing looking nibble platter, but I was still detoxing so had to resist. Tom showed me a ...


Rent A Cat
The Icecreamists book arrived in the mail this morning. It's filled with so many amazing ice cream recipes that I can't wait to try. It was the fifth day of my juice detox and I was starting to ru...


Crafts Beautiful
Cut Out + Keep's featured in the new issue of Crafts Beautiful magazine! It was the 4th day of my juice detox and I think I'm started to get the hang of it. I was craving something breakfast this ...


Detox Day Two
Today was the second day of my juice detox and I have to admit I've been feeling a little hazy. I kicked off the day with another apple, pear and pineapple juice and had the rest of my butternut sq...


Juice Detox
This week I'm attempting to do a juice detox. I've been meaning to for a while and with the summer finally starting to hit in, it felt like the perfect time to give it a shot. Luckily, we have a re...


The Friendship Centre
We pass by this building all the time and it always makes me smile. It was horrible and rainy again today but things brightened up when we met up with Johnny and Elaine for breakfast at the Rosele...


Tom's First Billboard
Tom has an uncanny knack of spotting expired domain names and when he spotted two giant billboard on the bridges with one, instantly snapped it up and redirected it to Cut Out + Keep. I had to cong...


The Fountain
Tom brought home an amazing sushi lunch today. We also shared a praline cone from Coco which tasted delicious. My Dad was though in Edinburgh for work, so came to see us afterwards. We went for a...


Olympic Torch
The Olympic Torch was making it's way through Edinburgh today, so we met up with Calum & Harriet to see it as it passed through Morningside.


The weather has returned to being miserable again this week but we didn't let it stop us from going for a coffee in Lovecrumbs. We shared a salted chocolate tart which was delicious.


Mum's Birthday
It was my Mum's turn to have a birthday party at our place today, even though her real birthday isn't until Tuesday when she's out of town.


Guest Post for Les Femmes Folles
The swan, who lives on the canal behind our place, is still sitting on her nest. I can't wait until the ducklings hatch. My guest post for making a magazine wallet went live on Les Femmes Folles t...


The Canny Man
I got to try out my new Crafter To The Stars stampers on my latest creations today. Tom did such a good job on them.


Dad's Birthday
It was Dad's birthday today, so I baked him a cake.