Cat Morley

Blog Posts



San Francisco
We were invited to take a tour and have breakfast at Googleplex this morning, so we woke up bright and early in Santa Cruz before driving up to silicon valley and we couldn't help but giggle when w...


Los Angeles
We woke up just outside Los Angeles this morning and though we were excited to have reached the west coast again, it meant that there wasn't long to go until we had to fly home. Our entertainment ...


After waking up in our hotel casino this morning, it was time to hit the road and head to the Four Corners Monument. The monument marks the point where four states - Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and...


Mesa Verde
We woke up in Santa Fe this morning and, after a tasty breakfast at our motel, headed in to town for a look around. There's a rule in the city that none of the buildings can exceed two stories and ...


New Mexico
We woke up in the middle of nowhere, Texas this morning and set off on the road straight away to New Mexico. As we neared the state line, we started noticing beautiful iron work on the gates of al...


We woke up in Dallas, Texas this morning, a city we didn't get to visit on our last trip. We took a drive through downtown, passing by the building from where Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK.


After waking up in our cosy shack in Mississippi this morning, we were excited to get back on the road and head south to my favourite state, Louisiana. We stopped at the rest area on the border to...


We woke up in Jackson, Mississippi this morning which had been voted third friendliest city in the US. We went for lunch at Adobo where I had a lemongrass tempeh baguette which was so tasty and se...


It was so nice waking up in our stateroom on the Delta Queen this morning with Chattanooga across the river. We tucked in to a buffet breakfast with fresh pancakes and eggs before hitting the road...


We woke up in Columbia, South Carolina this morning which seemed to be an awesome arty town with sculptures everywhere, including this giant chain between two buildings. There was also a gigantic ...


We kicked off our day with some Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast at the Thunderbird Inn this morning. We then stopped off at Crooked River State Park and rented a tandem to ride through the forre...


We woke up in Charlotte, North Carolina this morning, We passed by a giant head spitting our water which was called the Metamorphosis. As we drove down through South Carolina we stopped off to se...


North Carolina
Today was a long boring day of driving from Philadelphia down to South Carolina with little time to stop off and do fun things. We passed by a house where someone had carved a tree in their front ...



We made our way to the PEZ Factory in Orange after waking up in Conneticut this morning. There was a museum filled with thousands of PEZ containers featuring everything from Hello Kitty and Star W...


Hershey, Pennsylvania
When we booked ourselves in to the Fulton Steamboat Inn - a motel shaped like a boat last night, we never imagined that we'd actually be surrounded by water. We woke up to a call saying that the c...


We woke up in Ocean City this morning and drove across the state line in to Delaware. The weather still wasn't ideal for the beach but at least the strong winds from the storm had died down.


Virginia Beach
It was rainy and stormy when we woke up in Charlottesville this morning and not ideal weather for the beach but that's exactly where we were headed. We stopped off at Spudnuts to try some donuts m...


Today was a full day of driving through pretty scenery as we made our way across West Virginia and Virginia. The leaves were changing colour which made the views even more beautiful. We past a ho...


Hillbilly Hot Dogs
After waking up in our jail cell this morning, we were treated to breakfast and a tour of the jail. They waited until the morning to tell us that our bedroom cell was haunted and until we'd finish...


Our first stop this morning was Edinburgh, Indiiana. It's always fun to see what towns with the same name as your hometown look like in other countries. We then crossed the stateline in to Kentuc...


We started our day in Indianapolis off with brunch at Le Peep where I had a garden wrap. We then took a tour of the Motor Speedway which is home to the Indy 500 race. The race track was gigantic.


St Louis
We woke up in St Louis, Missouri this morning and were excited to head out and explore the city. We started out with breakfast at Half & Half, a trendy little restaurant which serves breakfast...


Up, Up & Away
We didn't want to leave our motel room after waking up in the hot air balloon this morning. We ate breakfast while sat in old dentist and barber chairs around a pit fire and then went to explore t...


We woke up in Rockford, Illinois this morning which just happened to be home of the sock monkey. Red heeled socks were invented here and there are sculptures of sock monkeys all over town.


We were sad to have to leave Omaha this morning but it was time for us to get back on the road and head to Wisconin. We got this keyring from Aroma's which summed up how we were feeling. Before le...