Blog Archive 2003 • Cat Morley


New Year's Eve
We spent New Year's Eve at Louise's house with a bunch of our friends. Louise's Dad had a band play and we drank, danced and watched James Dean Bradfield on Jools Holland.
where is the sanity in me? well i’m still rather drunk so updating my journal is probably not the best idea. but i can’t think when i’ll get the time to and i’ll probably forget a lot of what i wis...
so it’s christmas eve.. well christmas practically. i had the most lovely night. i went round to malcolm’s where the atmosphere was wonderful, there was a sparkly christmas tree, christmas music, c...
thinking i need cheering up.. i guess it’s the winter that’s making me feel depressed. i saw malcolm tonight which was lovely he came over with my present which i opened early out of pure excitemen...
making wax dolls.. owe. my fingers are all burnt and there are little pieces of wax everywhere. but at least she will be worth it when she’s finally done. i’ve even though of a little story to go w...
hmm. christmas. shouldn’t i be getting excited yet? maybe i’ve grown up or maybe things are just different this year. my grandparents are over so everyone is stressed about keeping things together....


i guess i had a long night, tom stayed till 2. i went christmas shopping in the day and it was after going into the disney store that i decided i hated christmas. anyway i forced myself to get thr...
Chocolate Factory
Tom and I started a chocolate factory in my kitchen today, making chocolates of all varieties to give away as Christmas presents. We used ice cube trays for the moulds, filled them with chocolates,...


met this guy on the train this morning. he’s doing computer games and it turns out that he knows a bunch of my friends. just bought myself a chocolate maker. yummy. it’s good because it means that ...
tom made me the loveliest advent calender. it’s little chocolates wrapped in foil with a number on and tied by silver string to a wire spiral – quite like those things that baby’s have over their c...
ohhh everyone say hi to my boyfriend tom who has just joined live journal live journal – not sure how to do the lil linky thing but his addy is tomdathumb, so add him and he’ll be nice xx. i got u...
The Torn Skirt
We got critiqued at Uni today which wasn't fun. i’m in uni now. i have a crit in 20 minutes which i’m not looking forward to, then i’m off to speak to the accommodation people about cancelling my...


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